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Libra Zodiac Sign ( Tula Rashi ) Description


In astrology and horoscope analysis, Libra features elevated lands primarily used for corn cultivation. It serves as a lively commercial hub, along-with offices, street shops, and the luxurious homes of wealthy merchants. The color black is favorite here, symbolizing strong solar influences. The elevation is moderate, and those associated with this area are often linked to the Shirshodaya sign. These individuals typically frequent marketplaces and present themselves with a fair appearance.

They are known for their impartiality in discussions, demonstrating bravery and a readiness to engage in debates. Physically, they may have a slender build in their youth, which can develop into corpulence as they age. They often possess a round face and a pleasant complexion, although they may be affected by malefic signs. Interestingly, their hearing might be impaired during the earlier part of the day, and these traits hold significance in horoscope interpretations.

Libra categorizes as a Seershodaya Rashi, rising with its head and being strong during the day. It has a black complexion and is associated with Rajo-Gun. Libra is linked to the western direction and is connected to land. It is known for being destructive or mischievous (Dhatin) and represents Sudras, the 4th Varna. Individuals with this sign typically have a medium build and are bipedal, with Venus as their ruling planet.

Libra – Description in Details

DescriptionIn HindiIn English
Rashi (Zodiac Sign)TULALIBRA
Rashi Kramank (Zodiac Sign No)7
Uch (Exalted)SHANI (20°)SATURN (20°)
Neech (Debilitated)SURYA (10°)SUN (10°)
MooltrikonSHUKRA (0°-5°)VENUS (0°-5°)
Rang (Colour)KALABLACK
Dosh ( Temprament)TRIDOSHMIXED
Varan (Caste)SHUDRA
Disha (Direction)PASHCHIMWEST
Pad (Feet)2BIPED

Here’s a more in-depth breakdown of each aspect mentioned:

Personality Traits:

Well-read and Highly Skilled:
  • Intellectual and Scholarly: Libra Lagna people are often highly educated, knowledgeable, and well-read. Their intellectual pursuits are not just limited to conventional education, but they also develop skills in arts, culture, and perhaps philosophy or law.
  • Skilled in Arts: These individuals are typically proficient in various arts and crafts. Their creativity may manifest in music, dance, drama, literature, or any other form of artistic expression.
Merciless but Not Wicked:
  • Firm and Unyielding: Libra Lagna natives are known to be firm in their decisions and actions. When they need to be, they can be merciless, especially in situations that require them to stand their ground or make tough decisions. However, this should not be confused with malice or wickedness, as their intentions are generally not driven by harm.
Successful and Patronized:
  • Supported by Authority Figures: They often gain the favor and support of powerful people, such as government heads or other influential figures. This support helps them achieve success in their endeavors, be it in business, social standing, or personal life.
  • Rise in Society: The traits mentioned often lead to significant success in life, enabling them to rise in social stature, professional standing, and sometimes in wealth.
Possess Good Qualities:
  • Balanced Nature: Libra Lagna individuals are typically seen as balanced and just, embodying qualities such as patience, intelligence, and charm. They are often admired for their calm demeanor, logical mind, and cleverness in handling life’s challenges.
  • Easy-going yet Intelligent: While they are easy-going and prefer peace and comfort, they are also highly intelligent and can solve problems or navigate complex situations effectively.
Fame and Wealth:
  • They often gain fame, not only for their intellectual and artistic capabilities but also for their ability to manage wealth and resources. Being connected to luxury, they enjoy a high standard of living.
  • Wealth and Material Comforts: With their talent and connections, they often acquire wealth and enjoy comforts like perfumes, fine clothes, and a luxurious lifestyle.
Liked by Others:
  • Socially Popular: Due to their charming, friendly, and approachable nature, Libra Lagna individuals are liked by people around them. They often have a wide circle of friends and admirers.
  • Respectful: Despite their popularity, they maintain a respectful attitude toward others, especially their mentors and well-wishers. Their reverence for teachers, elders, and spiritual guides contributes to their positive reputation.

Appearance and Physical Traits:

  • Well-proportioned Limbs:
    • Attractive Physical Features: Libra Lagna individuals are of symmetrical and proportionate physical appearance. Additionally maintain figure well for an attractive look, grace and elegance.
    • Facial Features: Their glowing eyes and cheeks, along with a radiant face, make them stand out. Furthermore they have a balance and harmonious appearance with a pleasing smile.
  • Pot-bellied but Graceful:
    • Despite having a somewhat rounded or pot-bellied frame, they carry themselves gracefully and command attention in a subtle way. Their charm and physical presence are undeniable, even with their more rounded physique.
    • There is a specific mention of them liking to have moustaches, a symbol of masculinity and style in many cultures.
  • Libra Women:
    • Libra women are described as heavenly beings, symbolizing grace, charm, and allure. Their movements are delicate, their gestures enchanting, and they often attract admiration from others.
    • Their beauty and elegance are combined with an artistic, creative nature that sets them apart, making them natural performers in areas like music, dance, and other forms of creative expression.

Interests and Professions:

  • Creative and Artistic Professions:
    • Their innate sense of balance, beauty, and harmony to these artistic pursuits associates them with arts. Thus get high regards in professions such as music, dance, theater, or other forms of creative expression.
  • Business and Organizational Capabilities:
    • They are not only artistic but also possess excellent business acumen. They can thrive in the business world, using their intelligence, skills, and natural charm.
    • Due to their ability to manage and lead, some Libra Lagna individuals may rise to positions of authority, hence serve society and contribute to the greater good.
  • Philosophers, Judges, and Scholars:
    • Person may attains the roles of deep thinking, wisdom, and impartiality, thus making them suitable to professions in law, philosophy, politics or fields to guide others with intellect and sense of justice.
  • Righteous and Spiritual:
    • Their devotion to God and spiritual matters is noteworthy. They engages in religious or righteous activities (punya karmas). This includes acts of charity, spiritual practices, and seeking knowledge other’s benefit.

Health and Longevity:

  • Health Issues:
    • Prone to Certain Illnesses: Libra Lagna people are vulnerable to certain health conditions, particularly those related to digestive issues. They are often affected by excess mucus, digestive disorders, and conditions like indigestion (Agni Manda).
    • Suffering from Joint Pain and Chronic Illnesses: Common health issues for Libra Lagna natives include joint problems (particularly hip pain), diabetes, and even conditions like leprosy, which might affect them during various phases of life.
  • Vulnerable Periods of Life:
    • Critical Years: Specific years are noted for the likelihood of health problems or life challenges, including ages 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 28. These periods might bring troubles such as indigestion, encounters with enemies, or diseases.
  • End of Life:
    • Predicted Time of Death: Libra Lagna individuals are likely to pass away in their 85th year, during the 3rd Lunar month (Shukla Paksha) on the 3rd Lunar date, possibly due to acute pain in the stomach or chest. However prediction is based on traditional astrological beliefs and may vary widely in reality.

Role in Society:

  • Social Impact and Leadership:
    • Libra Lagna individuals are seen as torchbearers for their people and society. They often become role models due to their contributions to the arts, intellectual fields, and social welfare.
    • Contributing to the Greater Good: Whether through their business success, their role in the community, or their acts of service, they aim to improve the lives of those around them and contribute positively to society.

Marriage and Family Life:

  • Marriage in Prime Age:
    • Libra Lagna individuals typically marry at the prime age, when they are mature enough to handle the responsibilities of family life. Their marriages are often balanced, with both partners contributing positively to the relationship.
    • Balanced Partnerships: Given their ability to maintain harmony, they tend to form strong, long-lasting partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding.


Libra Lagna individuals are multi-faceted people, excelling in both intellectual as well as artistic fields. Their charm, creativity, and social popularity make them beloved and respected in their communities. Though they may face some health challenges, particularly related to digestion and joint pain, yet their overall life journey is marked by success, wisdom, and contributions to society. They are naturally gifted in business and artistic pursuits along with a deep devotion to their spiritual practices.