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Saggitarius Zodiac Sign ( Dhanu Rashi )


In astrology and horoscope analysis, Saggitarius focuses on places favored by those in power, such as the homes and offices of rulers. It also includes spaces for horses, chariots, and elephants. The preferred colors in this domain are various shades of brown, reflecting solar influences. Astrologically, it is associated with qualities of malefic influences, showing strength during the day and a notable rise.

The Prishtodaya sign relates to this area, linking it to battlefields, which is important in horoscope interpretations.

People in this category typically have long faces and necks, as well as prominent ears and noses. They possess significant physical strength and are known for their generosity and cheerful personalities.

They enjoy physical activities, travel, and often have a resonant voice. However, they may experience some hearing loss in the afternoon and might face mobility challenges during two specific twilight times. These traits are significant in horoscope analysis.

Sagittarius is represented by a rising sign associated with the head and is ruled by Jupiter. It is a Sattvic sign and has a tawny color. While it is stronger at night and has a fiery nature, Sagittarius is considered a royal sign. The first half of Sagittarius represents bipedal qualities, while the second half represents quadrupedal ones. The sign has a balanced build and enjoys architecture, residing in the East and being associated with land, symbolizing splendor.

Saggitarius – Description in details

DescriptionIN HindiIn English
Rashi Kramank (Zodiac Sign No)9
MooltrikonVRIHASPATI (0°-10°)JUPITER (0°-10°)
Dosh ( Temprament)PITTBILIOUS
Varan (Caste)KSHATRIYA
Disha (Direction)PURABEAST
Kalpurush Body PartJANGHTHIGHS
Pad (Feet)2BIPED

Below is a breakdown of the key elements, with additional details to help you understand each aspect:

Wealth and Personality Traits

  • Calculative and Wealth-Oriented: The person with Saggitarius sign will be pragmatic in assessing profits and losses, making them cautious and thoughtful in their decision-making. They will be focused on accumulating wealth, and this will reflect in their outward appearance, which will show prosperity.
  • Attractive and Well-Dressed: They are physically appealing, with an emphasis on grooming and appearance. They will likely be fond of fine perfumes and fragrances, which complements their personality.
  • Educated and Intellectual: They are well-read, and this could include a variety of subjects, making them intellectually sophisticated. They enjoy learning and accumulating knowledge.
  • Sincerity, Courage, and Truthfulness: These core values guide their actions, and they are likely to be honest and dependable.
  • Caring for Family: The description emphasizes their affectionate nature, especially towards their parents, whom they will take care of lovingly.
  • Good Communication Skills: As a skilled orator, they will be eloquent, persuasive, and able to communicate effectively with others. This trait also indicates their social ease and leadership potential.
  • Self-Reliant and Friendly: They have a strong sense of independence and can thrive on their own. They are also friendly, approachable, and likely to form close bonds with others.
  • Enjoyment of Comforts: Their life will be one of ease and luxury, surrounded by comfort and enjoyment.

Social and Family Life

  • Respect for Tradition: Saggitarius people will have strong respect for traditional values and customs, and might be influenced by orthodox or conventional beliefs in their personal life.
  • Respect for the Learned and Cultured: A particular emphasis is placed on respecting learned individuals, such as Brahmins (who are seen as highly cultured in Hindu tradition), religious leaders, or other respected figures in society.
  • Social Relationships: They are described as cheerful, humble, and obedient. They will also be helpful and ready to lend a hand when needed. Their innocence and commitment to their goals will help them build lasting relationships.

Physical Characteristics of Saggitarius Sign

  • Proportionate and Attractive Body: The individual will have a well-balanced and symmetrical body, which is often seen as a sign of beauty and good fortune in astrology.
  • Facial Features and Hair: The mention of hair under the lower lip is a specific detail often considered in astrology. This is believed to be a sign of good fortune and success. In some traditions, such features are seen as auspicious.
  • Pimples: The mention of pimples covering the body could point to skin conditions, which could be indicative of certain imbalances or health issues. However, in some astrological interpretations, this could also be seen as a minor flaw or a sign of vitality.

Intellectual and Spiritual Interests

  • Spiritual and Philosophical Inclinations: The person is likely to have a strong interest in spiritual logic, philosophy, Vedanta (a school of Hindu philosophy), and ethical teachings. This shows that they will be reflective and seek higher truths in life.
  • Interest in Economics: Alongside spiritual and philosophical studies, they will have a strong interest in subjects like economics, suggesting that they might balance their spiritual pursuits with practical, worldly knowledge.
  • Career Path: The individual is likely to be involved in professions where intellect and ethical responsibility are paramount. They could work as:
    • Educators: For example, headmasters or teachers, contributing to the educational system.
    • Professionals in Law: Such as advocates or judges.
    • Economic Experts or Auditors: Working in fields that involve financial analysis, auditing, and economic policy.
    • Religious Leaders or Priests: They may take up roles in religious institutions or as spiritual guides.
    • Government Jobs: Positions in the government, where they can use their knowledge and wisdom for the public good.

Health Predictions

  • Vulnerable Periods: The text indicates specific ages when the individual might face health challenges, particularly eye diseases and conditions related to overheating or fever:
    • Ages 3, 4, 5, 12, 18, 32, 40, and 47 are mentioned as particularly vulnerable years for health issues.
  • Longevity Factors: The person’s longevity is having linkage to some specific astrological indicators, such as:
    • Lagna Lord (Ascendant Lord): The ascendant (Lagna) in Vedic astrology represents the individual’s overall well-being, physical appearance, and general life path. If the Lagna Lord is strong, it suggests good health and longevity.
    • 10th and 8th Lords: Relation of these planets are of career and transformation (10th house) as well as longevity and death (8th house). Strong planetary influences in these houses can indicate a longer life.
    • Ayush Karaka Saturn: Saturn is the “Ayush Karaka,” or the significator of longevity in Vedic astrology. If Disposition of Saturn is good in the chart, it can support a long and healthy life.
  • Life Expectancy: If these astrological factors are favorable, the individual may live up to 77 years. However, longevity also depends on other planetary factors and transits that influence the life chart.

Death Predictions

  • Specific Timing of Death: The passage gives a highly specific time frame for death, based on lunar and star constellations:
    • The individual may pass away during the lunar month of Dhanus (Sagittarius), which corresponds to a specific time in the traditional Hindu calendar.
    • Prediction of the death is on the Krishna Paksha (the waning moon phase), on the fifth night, during the Vishaka Nakshatra.
    • This is a specific prediction and in details that aligns with the traditional belief that certain stars and lunar phases influence life and death.


This description is having heavy influence by Vedic astrology and its complex system of planetary placements, houses, and stars. It combines insights into a person’s personality, career, health, and even the timing of death based on astrological factors. While these predictions are in traditional belief systems, they are interpreted differently by various practitioners, and their accuracy can vary depending on how the individual’s full natal chart is analyzed.