Malefic and Benefic Planets for Predictive Astrology
By Munish Bawa
During study of Astrology the observation of our Sages was that the planets plays the significant role in every individual life. Due to this factor we need to understand the planets in details. Hence the deep study of nature of planets becomes the key elements of understanding for learning Astrology. This nature depends on following two major factors.
- Basic Nature.
- Nature due to their roles and responsibilities.
- Other Factors
1. Basic Nature
- Jupiter and Venus are considered benefic planets, while the Moon is neutral but slightly beneficial.
- Mercury is also neutral, being benefic when with other benefics and malefic when with malefics.
- Among the benefic planets, the strength of Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus increases in that order.
- The malefic planets are the Sun, Saturn and Mars.
- On the other hand, when in a malefic role, the Moon, Sun, Saturn, and Mars have increasing strength in that order.
- When considering the harmful effects of malefic planets, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus play a significant role, with their influence increasing in that order.
- Rahu and Ketu are also Malefic in nature
2. Nature due to their roles and responsibilities.
- Benefic planets that rule the Kendras (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses) will not provide their usual good effects.
- Conversely, malefic planets ruling Kendra houses will not remain harmful.
- The planet that rules a Trikona (5th or 9th house) will give positive results.
- The ruler of the 1st house (Lagna) is particularly beneficial, as the 1st house is both a Kendra and a Trikona.
- Any planet ruling the 3rd, 6th, or 11th (Trishadaya) house will bring negative effects.
- The effects of the rulers of the 2nd, 12th and 8th houses depend on their associations with other planets.

Among the houses, their significance increases in the following order: 3rd, 6th, 11th, 12th, 8th. The ruler of the 8th house is considered inauspicious because it controls the 12th house from the 9th, which represents misfortune. However, if the ruler of the 8th house also rules the 3rd, 6th, or 11th house, it can cause harm. If the same planet also rules a Kona, it can give beneficial results.
A planet ruling a more prominent house will have a stronger influence than one ruling a less significant house and will give results based on its own nature. The 8th house lordship of the Sun and Moon is not considered harmful.
3. Other Factors
- Creation of Yoga related to Kendra (angular house) and the Lord of a Trikon (trine house) are 1). The Lord of Kendra and the Lord of a Trikon are in exchange. 2). In case they are in conjunction in either a Kendr or a Trikon. 3). Next option is that the Lord of a Kon is in a Kendr, or vice versa. 4). If there is a full aspect between the Lord of a Kendr and the Lord of a Trikon. A person born under this Yoga will rise to a position of power and become well-known.
- If a single planet rules both a Trine and a Angle, or if a planet is situated either in Trine or Angle, it will form a particularly beneficial Yoga Karaka.
Evaluation of Few Critical Points in Astrology
Type of Trines ( Trikona ):
In Hindu philosophy, the four goals of life—Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kaama (pleasures), and Moksha (liberation)—are known as the Purusharthas. These principles guide human life, and their interrelationship is often depicted through the “Trikonas.”
- Dharma Trikona (righteousness): Combination of House no 1st ,5th and 9th. It is the ethical foundation, representing duties and moral living.
- Arth Trokona (wealth): 10th, 2nd and 6th focuses on material prosperity and success, essential for a secure life.
- Kaam Trikona (pleasures): 7th, 11th and 3rd houses involves the pursuit of desires and pleasures, both emotional and physical.
- Moksha Trikona (liberation): Houses having combination of 4th, 8th and 12th. This is the ultimate goal of spiritual liberation, freedom from the cycle of birth and death.
The Trikonas emphasize how these goals balance each other. Dharma provides the ethical path to wealth (Artha) and pleasure (Kaama), while ultimately leading toward Moksha. Each pursuit supports the others when aligned properly, creating a harmonious life that integrates material, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment.
Malefic with lordship of Kendra:
If a malefic planet rules Kendra (angle), it doesn’t necessarily make it inauspicious. However, this doesn’t mean the planet will be auspicious either. For a malefic planet to be considered auspicious due to its rulership of an angle, it must also rule a trine. If the malefic planet doesn’t rule a trine, it will remain neutral simply because it rules an angle.
Wealth and Happiness
The 5th and 9th house lords are primarily responsible for wealth. The 7th and 10th house lords play a key role in bringing happiness. Each of these lords must be in a favorable position. When the trine (1st, 5th, and 9th) lord is Jupiter, it can bring abundant and uninterrupted wealth. If Venus rules the 7th or 10th house and is placed in an angle or a trine, it will bring general happiness.
Evil Houses
The lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses are considered malefic (evil) planets. On the other hand, the lords of the 2nd, 12th, and 8th houses act based on their associations with other planets. If these lords also govern another such type of house at the same time, they can cause harm. However, if such a planet also rules a trine (1st, 5th, or 9th house), it will have a favorable influence.
Rahu and Ketu
Rahu and Ketu don’t have any specific ruling house or zodiac sign, so their influence depends on their placement in the chart, their relationships with other planets, and the signs they are in. This means their effects are shaped by where they are located and which planets or signs they are connected to.
House Classifications in Astrology ( Planet Lordship )
Houses | Classification as per Planet Lordship |
1st ( Ascendant ) | Treated as best house of a horoscope and called as Lagna |
5th and 9th ( Trine House ) | Treated as 2nd best house of a horoscope and called as Lakshmi Sthana |
4th and 10th ( Angle ) | These are called Sukh Sthana. |
2nd and 7th ( Death House ) | These are called Marak Sthana and lords are called Marak Planets |
8th and 12th ( Pain ) | These are called Dukh Sthana and treated as bad houses |
3rd, 6th and 11th ( Trishadaya ) | Worst lordship |
Elements of Yogakarak Planet decision in a Horoscope
As we are aware that in Astrology beside Sun and Moon every Physical Planet has lordship of two Zodiac Signs ( Rashi ). So there may be many combinations mentioned below regarding the lordship of a particular planet with regards to Good houses and bad houses.
- Both the houses are Good ( One angle and one Trine )
- Both the houses are Bad
- Both the houses are Angle ( Kendra )
- One house is Good and One house is bad.
For combinations mentioned in point 1 and 2
There is no confusion for point 1 and 2. Hence we can definitely state that the combination in point 1 planet is Strong Yogakarak yet in point 2 planet is Strong Marak.
Example: For a Libra ascendant, Saturn is considered a powerful and beneficial planet because it rules both the 4th house (an angular house) and the 5th house (a trine house). This makes Saturn a “Yogakaraka,” or a planet that brings positive results. In contrast, for a Taurus ascendant, the Sun is not as beneficial, as it only rules one angular house, not both an angular and a trine house like Saturn does for Libra.
For a Leo ascendant, Mars is a very favorable planet because it rules both the 4th house (an angular house) and the 9th house (a trine house). The same applies to a Cancer ascendant, where Mars holds similar beneficial qualities.
However, for a Capricorn ascendant, Mars is not as strong because it only rules the 4th house (an angle) and doesn’t also rule a trine house. Similarly, for an Aquarius ascendant, Mars doesn’t have the same strength.
The Moon, though it rules an angular house for a Cancer ascendant, is considered neutral and not especially strong, as it doesn’t also rule a trine house.
For combinations mentioned in point 3
This blemish applies to natural benefic planets when they have angular rulership.
Example: For instance, for a Gemini ascendant, Jupiter rules both the 7th and 10th houses, which makes it a malefic planet for this ascendant. This is called Kendradhipatya Dosha in Astrology. However, the lord of the ascendant, when it rules an angle (the 4th, 7th, or 10th house), will not be inauspicious which applies to Mercury for Gemini ascendant.
For combinations mentioned in point 4
This combination is the most confusing in Astrology as single planet rules one Good house and another bad house. In such cases decision on auspicious and inauspicious becomes tricky. For taking decision regarding various planets are generally on the basis of following grounds which is a rough frame-work.
To understand this we need to first understand the 4 sets of houses of horoscope. While out of these, 2 sets are of good houses and 2 sets are of bad houses.
The two sets of favorable houses are:
(a) The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses.
(b) The 5th and 9th houses.
In each group, the power of the planet ruling the higher-numbered house is stronger than the one ruling the lower-numbered house. For example, the planet ruling the 7th house is more powerful than the one ruling the 4th house, and the planet ruling the 9th house is stronger than the one ruling the 5th house.
There are two groups of harmful houses:
(a) the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses, and
(b) the 12th, 2nd, and 8th houses.
In both groups, the negative influence increases in order. This means that the 11th house lord is the most harmful in its group, while the 8th house lord is the most harmful in its group. Furthermore 3rd and 12th houses lords are least harmful in their respective group.
In Astrology 10th and 9th house lords are considered the most beneficial planets, while the 11th and 8th house lords are seen as the most challenging. Therefore, the 10th house lord’s opposite is the 11th house lord, and the 9th house lord’s opposite is the 8th house lord.
So now for taking decision for deciding the role of a planet rules one Good house and another bad house will be the strength of benefic disposition and maleficence of houses based on the category mentioned above. Example: For Scorpio ascendant Venus rules 7th house and 12th house. According to house strength 7th house benefic disposition is more than 12th house maleficence. Thus in this horoscope Venus will become Benefic Planet
Another challenge may arise where one planet may rule houses having same strength of benefic disposition and maleficence. In such cases planet’s mooltrikon zodiac sign will be predominant. Example: For an Aries ascendant, Saturn rules two important houses: the 10th and 11th houses. While the 10th house is considered a good house and 11th house is bad house, as 11th house occupies Aquarius Sign which is Saturn’s Moolatrikona. Since the 11th house is stronger, Saturn’s influence here makes him primarily the lord of the 11th house, which is considered inauspicious lordship. As a result, Saturn is seen as harmful in this case.
On the other hand, for a Gemini ascendant, Saturn rules the 8th and 9th houses. The 9th house, which is beneficial, takes precedence over the 8th house as Aquarius Sign which is Saturn’s Moolatrikona occupies 9th house, making Saturn more favorable for Gemini ascendants rather than harmful.