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Vedic Astrology

What is Vedic Astrology

By Munish Bawa

Astrology is a divine science that allows us to gain insight into the future. Vedic Astrology, often refers to as the Hindu System of Astrology considered as Horoscope only yet it encompasses various branches including but not limited to Horoscope making, reading horoscope, Palmistry, Numerology etc.

An ancient concept of Astrology suggests a connection between the positions and movements of celestial bodies with respect to earth. Basis on there positions, astrologers does prediction about forthcoming events. As per the old sages our fate (Bhagya) dependents on the Karmas which we had in past or doing in present or even we will do in future.

“Bhagya” represents the accrued balance of “Karma Phala” in the current birth, derived from the Sanchit Karmas. Every action begets a corresponding result, which is inevitable and must be experienced by the individual.

Vedic Astrology

Importance of Karma

The horoscope serves as a record of Sanchita Karma, representing the accumulated consequences of past actions, akin to a balance sheet of previous deeds, both virtuous and otherwise. Among these Sanchita Karmas, a subset known as Prarabadha is designated for this present birth. It is expected that the individual will experience the rewards of virtuous deeds and confront the challenges resulting from transgressions. The manifestation of these outcomes depends on the sequence of dashas the native undergoes in their current life, as well as the transit positions of celestial bodies.

The third category of karmas, namely Kriyaman and Agami Karmas, pertains to the actions the individual will perform in this lifetime. The outcomes of these actions can either be experienced by the individual in their current life or they may contribute to the reservoir of Sanchita Karmas. This outcome hinges on the sequence of dashas and the transit positions occurring in the present birth. It is observed that some individuals work diligently and possess the qualifications to achieve certain results, yet they do not attain them. Conversely, individuals who may be less diligent and less qualified sometimes do achieve favorable outcomes. This disparity arises from the influence of a propitious dasha period facilitating success for one, while an unfavorable period denies the same to another.

Concept Evaluation

The concept of astrology originated in Vedic era. During that period Sages ( whom I would refer to the ancient scientists ) were practicing astrology in true manner. They have written many foundation books on Horoscope reading which serve as the bedrock for contemporary astrology and predictive practices. However the accuracy of prediction depends on the extent of concept understanding from ancient text by modern era astrologers.

In modern era, many of the mainstream scientific community does not consider astrology as science. This is because of their limited knowledge thus inability to establish empirical evidence and a scientific basis. But still now a days many Scientist started showing their interest in Indian astrology and understanding its value. It is because of the accuracy of Indian ancient astrology books in calculating movement of planets and other celestial bodies.

Basic Elements of Vedic Astrology

There are three basic elements of Indian astrology on which the entire concept of prediction is dependent.

  1. 12 Nos of Rashis (Zodiac Signs)
  2. 9 Nos of Grahas (Celestial bodies nearest to Earth those may impact living at Earth)
  3. 12 Nos of Bhavas (Houses in Natal Charts)
Rashis ( Zodiac Signs )

To understand Zodiac Signs ( Rashi ), we need to understand astronomy first, which means science behind Universe as well as Solar system.

As a basic Principle we all know that due to magnetic fields of all Celestial bodies in Universe rotates on its own axis furthermore revolve around another body. Like wise Earth also rotates on it’s own axis from West to East. As a result of this when we see from Earth it reflects that all these bodies revolve around Earth. This entire revolution ( 360° ) takes 24 Hours to complete.

In the Concept of Astrology, Our Sages divided these 360° (Entire Zodiac) into 12 equal parts of 30° each which is called a Rashi ( Zodiac Sign ). As it is divided into 12 parts which means there are 12 nos of Rashis in the system. Now the stars in that 30° segment is making some shape and old Rishi Munis given the name of that particular Rashi based on the shape they observed.

Rashi Names

Now we have an understanding that on division of Universe in 12 parts we get Rashis. Although for detailed study entire 360° may be divided into 27 parts of 13°20’ which is called a Nakshatra (Stars) and further more each Nakshatra is divided into 4 parts which makes total division in 108 parts. We call these 4 divisions Nakshatra Padas.

Grahas ( Celestial bodies nearest to Earth those may impact living at Earth )

Now coming to second Element of Indian Astrology which is called Grahas. As per astrology 7 bodies of Solar system those are visible in sky from naked eye ( Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ) are the Critical bodies those may have their impact in life at Earth so these 7 bodies are called Grahas.

In addition to these 7 bodies old sages demonstrated that two nodes of Moon ( i.e. the crossover points of moon revolution path around Earth and Earth revolution path around Sun ) are also very significant Grahas. As these two Grahas ( Rahu and Ketu )are not present in Physical points these are called Chhaya Grahas accordingly.

So we always discuss Nav Grahas in predictions through astrology, that means 9 Planets.

Bhavas ( Houses in Kundli Horoscope )

These Bhavas or houses are 12 parts of Kundli Chart we make for prediction. The term “kundli” originates from the Sanskrit word “kundala,” which translates to “coiled snake. It provides a visual representation of a person’s zodiac signs, position of planets and other astrological aspects. Grounded in ancient Vedic principles, a Kundli possesses the potential to unveil one’s true destiny.

An individual’s birth chart, or Kundli, is compartmentalized into 12 houses. Each of these houses signifies a specific zodiac sign and its corresponding planet. Therefore these elements exert influence and governance over various aspects of one’s life which includes personality traits, attributes, habits, strengths, weaknesses, and more.

Picture below reflects two type of birth charts i.e. Chart used in South India and Chart used in North India. In both the Natal Charts there are 12 Bhavas or Houses.

Horoscope used in North India
Horoscope used in South India

Every Bhava corresponds to specific areas or characteristic though represents different aspects of a life and experiences. Based on the experience of our ancestors one each house is given a particular name.

  • House 1 –  Lagna / Tan (Self)
  • House 2 –  Dhan (Money)
  • House 3 –  Sahaj (Courage)
  • House 4 –  Sukh (Luxury)
  • House 5 –  Sut (Child)
  • House 6 –  Ripu (Enemy)
  • House 7 –  Jaya (Spouse
  • House 8 –  Aayu (Age)
  • House 9 –  Dharam (Duty)
  • House 10 –  Karam (Work)
  • House 11 –  Aay (Earning)
  • House 12 –  Vyay  (Spend)

These three fundamental components has built Vedic Astrology, thus understanding these aspects is crucial for making accurate predictions. Without these core elements, predictions would not be possible.

Additionally, the ascendant or rising sign is key to understanding an individual’s outward behavior and personality. The relationship between these signs, planets, and houses is analyzed using aspects, which are the angular distances between planets. Furthermore, an crucial aspect i.e. planetary periods ( known as Dasha ) guide the timing of events in a person’s life. These Dashas has a significant role in predicting changes over time in one’s life.

In subsequent chapters, we will explore specially each of these components in greater detail. Moreover we will delve into their significance and how they interconnect to offer a comprehensive astrological reading. By examining the intricate details of these elements, you will gain a deeper understanding of the Vedic astrological system and its predictive power.